3 Useful Tips To Save Money On Your Summer Cooling Costs

With summer finally here, most of us have a laundry list of things that we want to do now that the sun has arrived and warmer temperatures have come with it. Most of us see summer as the prime time for family cookouts, vacations, trips to the water, and much more, and while most of us know that it's going to happen already, some of us tend to still be surprised when we see our energy bills start to spike during the summer months. While most homeowners have a firm hand on their monthly energy bills, most of us wouldn't be entirely unhappy if we could save some money every month when it came to our cooling costs. With air conditioning systems running almost nonstop over the summer months, it is important to save money where you can, and in an effort to help you do so, our team of experienced professionals have taken the time to put together this short list of helpful tips that could help you do just that. Read on to learn several useful tips that can help you save money this summer on your cooling costs so that you can spend that money on fun things to do with your family.
Replace Your Old, Outdated AC Unit
If you have an older air conditioning unit that just doesn't run as efficiently as it used to, now might be the perfect time to start considering having it replaced with something newer and more energy efficient. Most older systems just weren't built to the same standard of energy efficiency that newer models are, and if your old system hasn't been properly maintained over the course of its life, that difference in efficiency can be even greater. While the upfront costs of investing in a new air conditioning system might be seem somewhat daunting, it is best to look at it as an investment in the future of your home. The money you pay now is money you will easily earn back over time as you continue to save on your monthly cooling costs. The money you save this summer by switching to a newer system will already go a long way towards paying back some of those costs, and will easily pay off in the long run. When you are looking for your new system, one of the best things to look for are the systems that have an Energy Star rating, as these systems can be up to 50% more efficient than systems produced by other manufacturers.
Invest In A Programmable Thermostat
Installing a programmable thermostat in your home allows you to have complete control over your air conditioning system, and can go a long way in helping you to cut down on your monthly cooling costs. Where most homeowners tend to leave the house and just leave their air conditioning set to whatever it was on before, there are some that turn it off when they leave the house, but then have to come back back to a house that is sweltering on their return. With a programmable thermostat, you get the best of both worlds. A programmable thermostat allows you to set your system to increase the temperature when you leave for work or school, and adjusts it to a more comfortable setting before you get home. This allows you air conditioning system to take a break during the day when you aren't home, helping you reduce your cooling costs and the wear on your system at the same time. With some systems, you can even control which rooms to cool and set different temperatures for different rooms of your home, letting you have air where you need it, and not in the rooms where you don't.
Change Your Air Filters
Old and dirty air filters are one of the leading causes of air conditioning breakdowns all over the country, and in addition to putting a tremendous amount of wear on your system over time, they also decrease its efficiency and cause your energy bills to spike. Taking the time every month to change out your old filters and replace them with new ones will go a long way in improving the overall efficiency of your system and help to extend its lifespan overall.
If you are looking for a Hudson Valley Air Conditioning Repairs Contractor please call us at (845) 497-1005 or complete our online request form.
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